In this article, we will install Horizon module in Sitecore 10. To install Sitecore 10 using SIA, you can refer my this article: . Refer the below steps to install Horizon module: 1. Download Horizon module from here . 2. Extract the downloaded zip folder and then open InstallHorizon.ps1 into Windows PowerShell ISE in administrator mode. Update the variables $horizonInstanceName: Name of Horizone instance $sitecoreCmInstanceName: Name of the Sitecore instance created in IIS via SIA $identityServerPoolName: Name of the Sitecore identity instance created in IIS via SIA $LicensePath: Path to where your licence file can be found $enableContentHub: To enable Content hub then set it as true Once the script will be completed successfully, a new website horizon will be created. Login to Sitecore and you can see additional icon for horizon in launchpad. Click on the icon and you can see n...