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Showing posts from August, 2020

Install Horizon module in Sitecore 10

In this article, we will install Horizon module in Sitecore 10. To install Sitecore 10 using SIA, you can refer my this article: . Refer the below steps to install Horizon module: 1. Download Horizon module from here . 2. Extract the downloaded zip folder and then open InstallHorizon.ps1 into Windows PowerShell ISE in administrator mode. Update the variables $horizonInstanceName: Name of Horizone instance $sitecoreCmInstanceName: Name of the Sitecore instance created in IIS via SIA $identityServerPoolName:  Name of the Sitecore identity instance created in IIS via SIA $LicensePath: Path to where your licence file can be found $enableContentHub: To enable Content hub then set it as true Once the script will be completed successfully, a new website horizon will be created. Login to Sitecore and you can see additional icon for horizon in launchpad. Click on the icon and you can see n...

Install Sitecore 10 using Sitecore Install Assistant

This article will show the steps to install Sitecore 10 on your local machine using Sitecore Install Assistant. 1. Go to  page and download Sitecore 10. I have downloaded XP single but you can choose other options as well for on premise. 2. Extract the downloaded zip folder and then run the "setup.exe" file with Administrator. 3. Click on Start button to start your installation. 4. Install Prerequisites to make sure the required SIF and Windows Server prerequisites are up to date. 5. Enter Sol port, prefix and path to Install Solr. This will install Solr version 8.4.0. Browse your Solr url to make sure it’s running successfully. 6. Enter your Sitecore prefix, password and browse Sitecore license file. 7. Enter SQL Server details. 8. Confirm your Solr details. 9. In case you want to install SXA then select this option. 10. Review the summary details and then click on Next button. 11. This step will validate all the parameters. Once all parameters will be valid...

Cloning Azure App Services

  Azure Web App Cloning is the ability to clone an existing Web App to a newly created app that is often in a different region. This will enable customers to deploy a number of apps across different regions quickly and easily. Follow the below steps to clone your existing web app: 1. Go to App Service and click on Clone as shown below. 2. Enter your App name and select your Resource group. 3. You can select existing App Service plan or you can create a new one. Here, I have created a new App service plan in West Europe location of S1 Standard tier. 4. Click on Clone Settings & select the required settings you want to clone to new App service. 5. Select your existing Application Insights as illustrated below. You can also create a new Application insight. 6. Click on Create, then your new App service will be created in few minutes.