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Showing posts from November, 2019

Basic Kubectl Commands

Some of the basic kubectl commands  apply to all k8s objects Namespaces used to group objects in the cluster each namespace acts like a folder holding a set of objects kubectl  works with the  default  namespace by default —namespace  can be passed to specify a different one Context can be used to change the default namespace, manage different clusters or different users for authenticating to them To change the namespace to  abc , run:  $ kubectl config set-context my-context --namespace=abc This command just creates a context. To run it, use:  $ kubectl config use-context my-context This records the change in the kubectl config file while is usually located at  $HOME/.kube/config . This file also stores information related to finding and authenticating to the cluster. Viewing Kubernetes API Objects Everything is represented by a RESTful resource, called objects. E...

Troubleshoot your Sitecore environment using these Application Insightsquery

Sitecore sends what you would expect (errors, warnings, info logs) to Application Insights from a log perspective. In Application Insights, you can identify error and warning messages, identify messages from specific roles and Sitecore instances, and search for specific log messages. For further information related to Sitecore logs, you can refer this Sitecore document: Analyze Sitecore logs with Application Insights and Sitecore KB  Access logs and diagnostics data in Sitecore XP on Azure Web Apps Below are the necessary Application Insights queries which might help you during the troubleshooting sessions of your Sitecore application: Availability Results: availabilityResults | where timestamp > ago(7d) | summarize avg(toint(success)) * 100 by bin(timestamp, 1h), name | order by timestamp asc | render timechart Get unique users per day past 90 days: union pageViews,customEvents | where timestamp > ago(90d) | summarize Users=dcount(user_Id) by bin(timestamp, 1d)...