The below script will provide the occurrence of your string in all the columns of all database tables in your SQL Server. Declare @SearchString VARCHAR(100) --Replace ASHISH with your string SET @SearchString='ASHISH' DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @ColumnName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @FullyQualifiedTableName VARCHAR(500) Declare @DataType VARCHAR(50) --Create Temp Table to Save Results IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results CREATE TABLE #Results ( DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) ,SchemaName VARCHAR(100) ,TableName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnDataType VARCHAR(50) ,TotalTableRowCount INT ,StringOccuranceRecordCount INT ) DECLARE Cur CURSOR FOR SELECT C.Table_CataLog ,C.Table_Schema ,C.Table_Name ,C.Column_Name ,'[' + C.Table_CataLog + ']' + '.[' + C.Table_Schema + '].' + '[' + C.Table_Name + ']' AS FullQualifiedTableName, C.Data_Type FROM information_schema.Columns C INNER JOIN information_Schema.Tables T ON C.Table_Name = T.Table_Name AND T.Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE' and (C.Data_Type like '%CHAR%' or C.Data_Type like '%Text%') OPEN Cur FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL SET @SQL = ' Select ''' + @DatabaseName + ''' AS DatabaseName, ''' + @SchemaName + ''' AS TableName, ''' + @TableName + ''' AS SchemaName, ''' + @ColumnName + ''' AS ColumnName, ''' + @DataType + ''' AS ColumnName, (Select count(*) from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + ' With (Nolock)) AS TotalTableRowCount, count(*) as StringOccuranceRecordCount from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + 'With (Nolock) Where '+@ColumnName+' like '''+'%'+ @SearchString+'%''' -- Print @SQL INSERT INTO #Results EXEC (@SQL) FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType END CLOSE Cur DEALLOCATE Cur SELECT *, Cast((StringOccuranceRecordCount/Cast(TotalTableRowCount as Numeric(13,1)))*100 AS Numeric(4,1)) AS StringOccurancePercentPerColumn from #Results Where StringOccuranceRecordCount<>0 --drop table #Results
Microsoft has announced new version of Azure Application Gateway and its Web Application Firewall module (WAF). In this article, we will discuss about the enhancements and new highlights that are available in the new SKUs i.e. Standard_v2 and WAF_v2. Enhancements and new features: Scalability: It allows you to perform scaling of the number of instances on the traffic. Static VIP: The VIP assigned to the Application Gateway can be static which will not change over its lifecycle. Header Rewrite: It allows you to add, remove or update HTTP request and response headers on application gateway. Zone redundancy: It enables application gateway to survive zonal failures which allows increasing the resilience of applications. Improved Performance: Improvement in performance during the provisioning and during the configuration update activities. Cost: V2 SKU may work out to be overall cheaper for you relative to V1 SKU. For more information, refer Microsoft p...
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