If you are working with Sitecore technology, then you must be aware of some common Sitecore acronyms. So here is the list of some of the heavily used Sitecore acronyms: A/B Testing With A/B testing, you can test and validate your assumptions on a small group of your customers before you send the final email campaign to the rest. This ensures that you always send the most appealing and relevant email campaigns to your customers. CD - Content delivery The Content Delivery (CD) role handles requests from visitors across channels, determines which content to serve, and renders output in the relevant format for the channel. CM - Content Management (CM) The Content Management (CM) role enables authors to create, manage, and publish content. CMS – Content Management System A content management system is a software application that can be used to manage the creation and modification of digital content. CMSs are typically used for enterprise content management and web content management...